2323 Park Avenue
Chico, CA 95928
Monday – Friday
10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
© 2023 Springboard Biodiesel | All Rights Reserved | Website Designed by Luminous
The BioPro 380 will produce 100 gallons or 380 liters of ASTM-grade biodiesel every 48, 23, or 13 hours, depending on your equipment decisions. An operator can comfortably produce 300 to 400 gallons a week at the traditional speed, or 1200 gallons/week with SpringPro T76 (this can be sped up further to 275 gallons/day with the use of buffer tanks).
What are you paying for diesel today? How much vegetable oil can you collect per week? To calculate savings, add your oil cost to 85 cents per gallon (cost of all other inputs required including electricity). The BioPro 380 is as easy to operate as a washing machine: load it up, press the big green START button and walk away.
100 gallon batch processor
48 hours production time
Fully automated
ASTM-D6751 fuel
Stainless steel construction
Safe & durable design
Wide range of feedstocks
16,200 gallon annual production
Domestic Pricing
$22,990 USD (shipping not included)
Crating (domestic): $355
Crating (international): $375
Financing options available!
100 gallon batch processor
23 hour production time
Fully automated
ASTM-D6751 fuel
Stainless steel construction
Safe & durable design
Wide range of feedstocks
37,440 gallon annual production capacity
Domestic Pricing
$29,990 USD (shipping not included)
Crating (domestic): $355
Crating (international): $375
Financing options available!
100 gallon batch processor
8 to 13 hour production time
Fully automated
Waterless washing
Stainless steel construction
Safe & durable design
Wide range of feedstocks
50,400 gallon annual production capacity
Domestic Pricing
$36,840 USD (shipping not included)
Crating (domestic): $700
Crating (international): $750
Financing options available!