Reducing your Carbon Footprint with Biodiesel
Springboard Biodiesel, LLC spends a lot of time thinking about ways to reduce our carbon footprint. What we’ve discovered is that using biodiesel in our diesel engines is far and away the most dramatic and efficient way to shrink and accomplish our goal.
The US EPA has spent a lot of time studying biodiesel. In fact, no other alternative transportation fuel has been as thoroughly vetted. Here is what they’ve concluded:

Basically, they have tested biodiesel every which way and concluded that it’s emissions are significantly less than dirty diesel. Now, California’s Air Resource Board will also tell you that if you make biodiesel from waste vegetable oil (we refer to it as “recycled”) you will actually reduce your carbon emissions by 90%. [Biodiesel and Renewable Diesel, California Air Resources Board]
What does this mean? If you feed people, you can make biodiesel.
Given that diesel #2 is known to spew 22.3 pounds of CO2 per gallon, if you substitute 1 gallon of B-100, made from recycled vegetable oil, for 1 gallon of diesel # 2 you will save 19.6 pounds of CO2 from contributing to the warming of your planet. If you use virgin soybean oil, you’ll only save 17.3 pounds.
Either way, we hope you’ll agree that biodiesel is good for your planet. And Springboard Biodiesel is proud of the fact that our 1000+ BioPro™ biodiesel processors represent over 8MM gallons of annual production capacity, which means that we could potentially be assisting with the extraction or abatement of over 152MM pounds (76,000 tons) of CO2 annually!
Finally, it is important to note that diesel particulate matter is one of the deadliest airborne carcinogens. According to one source, diesel particulate matter is 10X more carcinogenic than all other airborne pollutants combined! B-100 cuts particulate matter in half. [Diesel Exhaust and Cancer, American Cancer Society]
Use your BioPro biodiesel processor to save money and help reduce green house gas emissions at the same time. You and your customers will appreciate your "biopro-ficiency".