BioPro 190 Technical Specs

BioPro 190 Technical Specs

Processing Capacity

  • One 50 gallon batch every 48 hours (23 hours with the BioPro™ 190EX)


  • 50 gallons of vegetable oil (feed stock)
  • 10 gallons methanol
  • 1520 grams (3.3 lbs) NaOH (lye) or 2350 grams (5.2 lbs) KOH (caustic potash)
  • 190 mL (0.8 cups) sulfuric acid
  • 38 gallons fresh water

Power Requirements

  • Standard 115V AC power (15 amps max)
  • (50 Hz units available for outside the US)

Reaction Method

  • acid catalyzed esterification/base catalyzed transesterification

Wash Method

  1. Three stage water wash
  2. Spray wash
  3. Turbulent wash
  4. Turbulent wash followed by evaporative drying cycle


  • PLC controlled automated mode, with switch actuated manual overrides


  • 405 lbs (empty)
Technical schematic of BioPro 190 biodiesel processor