benefits, case studies, testimonials

Biodiesel for Schools

Biodiesel for schools

Save Money, Reduce CO2, and Enhance Curricula

Discover how schools across the world are using Springboard Biodiesel processors to generate their own clean biofuel.

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High schools, colleges and universities can set up a campus-scale biodiesel production system with little to no infrastructural change, save money on fuel costs, and significantly reduce CO2 on campus while learning about an impressive renewable fuel. Read more…

Benefits for Universities and Schools

Save Money on Fuel Costs, Reduce Carbon Emissions, Educate

Most school systems are in the business of feeding not only the minds, but the stomachs of students (and staff). Cooking oils that are reclaimed from the kitchens and restaurants of any institution can be converted into ASTM-grade biodiesel for approximately $1 per gallon in BioPro™ biodiesel processors. Operated at only 50% capacity, Springboard's BioPro equipment pays for itself in 5 to 11 months depending on which model and what volume of cooking oil and institution can gather.                

According to a study by the California Air Resources Board, biodiesel made from used cooking oil emits 88% less CO2 and 50% less soot than regular diesel. In September of 2015, CARB confirmed that biodiesel is the lowest carbon emitter of all the liquid fuels.                            

BioPro systems are currently in use at 101 different colleges, universities, and H.S. systems. Most of these institutions incorporate the equipment into their curricula. Classes in ecology, environmental studies, chemistry, engineering, and agriculture teach students the process of making a renewable alternative fuel, not just domestically but on campus, that works in any diesel engine without the need to convert that engine.                                                                  

The benefits for schools include:

  • Making biodiesel in a BioPro will cost you approximately $1.20 per gallon.
  • According to the California Air Resources Board, biodiesel made from used cooking oil burns 88% cleaner than regular diesel. (i.e., it’s “emissions profile” is significantly better than using diesel) The EPA states that biodiesel produced from seed crop oil emits about 78% less CO2 than regular diesel (life cycle analysis).
  • Biodiesel can be made from ANY vegetable or animal oil.
  • Biodiesel will run in ANY diesel engine without the need to convert your engine.
  • Biodiesel is better for the life of your engines. It has greater lubricity than regular diesel and therefore creates less wear in your engine when it burns. (google: biodiesel + lubricity).
  • Biodiesel will mix, at any ratio, with diesel, so it can be blended and used in conjunction with diesel.
  • Biodiesel can and is being made right now, in countries across the world, thereby reducing oil imports in all those countries.
  • Springboard's equipment is proudly made in the USA.
  • Converting a waste stream in to a beneficent alternative fuel that runs in any diesel engine is a significant process improvement for any institution.


  • BioPro biodiesel processors are made with 14 gauge 304 stainless steel
  • The BioPros are automated (i.e., extremely easy to operate)
  • The BioPros use all explosion-proof motors and explosion-proof pumps.
  • The BioPro 190 and The BioPro 380 are CE certified.
  • The BioPro consistently and reliably makes ASTM-grade biodiesel.
  • The BioPro is designed with safety as the highest priority.
  • Don't take our word for it. Call us for references.

Case Study

Dr Ernst Hebert of Alabama A&M with students in front of BioPro 190

Alabama A&M

Dr. Ernst Cebert (leftmost) and students from Alabama A&M's Department of Biological and Environmental Services have been working closely with the Toyota manufacturing plant of Huntsville, AL to make fuel from Toyota's cafeterias into ASTM grade biodiesel which is then used in plant vehicles. Toyota's North America 2013 Environmental report states, "The Huntsville plant delivers between 55 and 100 gallons per month of used cooking oil to Alabama A&M University, where the waste oil is converted to biodiesel using a Springboard Biodiesel BioPro 190 unit. The unit is designed to produce ASTM-quality fuel, and is about the size of a stand-up arcade game." Watch this video on Toyota's closed loop biodiesel program.

Case Study

Students at John Brown University in from of their BioPro 190

John Brown University

Students in professor Susan Newton's Bio-fuels and Biomass class at John Brown University in Sloam Springs, AR stand with their trusty BioPro 150. The class description reads: "Three hours introduction to power production from different biomass resources. Topics include: bio-energy sources (agricultural crops and organic wastes), combustion of solid biomass, production of gaseous and liquid fuels from biomass, environmental benefits and economic impacts of biomass conversion. A link to a more in-depth description of their innovative program can be found here. A link to the JBU Renewable Energy Major is here. Susan writes, "It is now an Engineering concentration instead of a standalone major."

Case Study

University of Botswana team with biodiesel production unit

University of Botswana

Beginning in 2020, the University of Botswana brought its biodiesel program out of the lab and on to campus with the purchase of a BioPro 380EX . The following year, they purchased a SpringPro T76 drywash system. The popular university program led by professor Clever Ketlogetswe, converts three different feedstock oils: 1) used cooking oils from the university kitchens; 2) beef tallow from a local rendering plant; 3) Trichilia seed oil. This last is an indigenous, inedible seed oil that is prolific in Botswana. The BioPro 380EX converts all these oils into biodiesel which is used in utility vehicles and buses on campus.

Case Study

Rochester Institute of Technology students load up a BioPro 190

Rochester Institute of Technology

Rochester Institute of Technology professor David Fister loads up a BioPro™ 190 during a workshop presentation in October, 2012. David reports that the on-campus workshop was "so well attended that we had people sitting in the aisles."

Case Study

Illinois State University processing biodiesel with their BioPro 190

Illinois State University

Illinois State University is one of 72 educational institutions that has discovered that it can collect waste cooking oils from its kitchens and cafeterias and convert that "yellow gold" into ASTM-grade biodiesel in a BioPro. Students from the Environmental Health Department stand with the campus BioPro 190 in an agricultural lab room on campus. ISU made a little less than 1,000 gallons of biodiesel in 2010 (their first year) and they hope to make more than 3,000 in 2011. So far, they use the fuel in a campus truck and several tractors.

Case Study

Louisiana State University operating a BioPro 190

Louisiana State University

Louisiana State University operates a BioPro 190 in its Agricultural Research facility. Training in biodiesel production is offered to students and teachers alike and has also been given to farmers and interested members of the community; LSU produces biodiesel for research purposes. They also actively research alternative feedstock sources.

Case Study

Students at University of Wisconsin operating their BioPro 380

University of Wisconsin

The University of Wisconsin is one of 101 universities and colleges that currently owns and operates a BioPro as part of the regular curriculum. Students in the Agricultural Engineering Technology Department in River Falls operate the machine at a campus biodiesel processing facility.

Case Study

Southeast Louisiana State University helping sixth graders in Hammond LA produce biodiesel with BIoPro 190

Southeast Louisiana State University

Operating a BioPro is so easy, even a 6th grader can do it. Sixth graders in Hammond, LA. participate in a demonstration of a BioPro on the campus of Southeast Louisiana State University. The Biodiesel Program at Southeastern Louisiana State University

Case Study

Alabama Institute of the Deaf and Blind

The Alabama Institute of the Deaf and Blind operates a BioPro 380EX and a SpringPro T76..."We wanted to make sure the students were safe".